特雷弗亨德森故事-流浪的信仰 (The Wandering Faith)(5)
The Giants' purpose is beyond "our understanding".
Trevor also confirmed that the Giants have their own universe, separate from all the other creatures he made.
The "Storm Creatures" are theorized to come from heaven to grab believers. We can back up this theory in that the caption for one of the photos says "Please stay inside unless you or a loved one have been chosen." We could conclude that The Wandering Faith and The Birdwatcher roam Earth in search of those who are pure.
The real name is the wandering faith, not day 17. It was a fan-made name before the name was confirmed.
It could possibly be the wandering doom's second form. (FAN-MADE THEORY)
Can possibly throw the atheists to hell.
翻拍了一张《流浪的信仰》的粉丝照片,上面有公路蠕虫a fanmade image of The Wandering Faith carrying highway worm remastered第17天和突发新闻。Day 17 and Breaking News.
Trevor also confirmed that the Giants have their own universe, separate from all the other creatures he made.
The "Storm Creatures" are theorized to come from heaven to grab believers. We can back up this theory in that the caption for one of the photos says "Please stay inside unless you or a loved one have been chosen." We could conclude that The Wandering Faith and The Birdwatcher roam Earth in search of those who are pure.
The real name is the wandering faith, not day 17. It was a fan-made name before the name was confirmed.
It could possibly be the wandering doom's second form. (FAN-MADE THEORY)
Can possibly throw the atheists to hell.
翻拍了一张《流浪的信仰》的粉丝照片,上面有公路蠕虫a fanmade image of The Wandering Faith carrying highway worm remastered第17天和突发新闻。Day 17 and Breaking News.