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’ ‘Everything was in order!’ said the Druid Guardian crossly. ‘After one hundred years, do you
think the Dragon Guardians and I are going to make a mistake?’ ‘And I was so sure you were going to find the real Jewel, Hiccup, back there on Hero’s End,’ moaned Wodensfang. ‘Or rather, that it would find you, like all the other Things found you. I mean, Grimbeard was buried on Hero’s End! It seemed like DESTINY had taken you there on purpose! Are you quite sure you didn’t find it there?’ ‘Well I’m so sorry, but I was rather busy at the time,’ said Hiccup, ‘dealing with a whole load of Sand-Sharks who were trying to kill us, remember? And I also didn’t know I was SUPPOSED to be looking for a Jewel, because I thought we had already found the Jewel. Understandably, you have to admit…

