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be completely impossible… HOW did you do it? What did you do about the Sand-Sharks? How did you get to Tomorrow without a boat? How did you stop the Dragon Furious from killing you before you got there?’ ‘It’s a long story,’ smiled Hiccup. ‘But thank you, Wodensfang, I really couldn’t have done it without you, even though you were only awake for the first five minutes, that was a vital five minutes…
’ ‘Where did you find the Jewel?’ asked Wodensfang eagerly. ‘What do you mean, where did I find the Jewel?’ said Hiccup, confused. ‘We found the Jewel ages ago, back in the Amber Slavelands. You were there Wodensfang.’ And he pointed to the Dragon Jewel around his neck. ‘No, I mean the real Dragon Jewel,’ said Wodensfang. Hiccup had a very nasty feeling in the bottom

