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Life or Death(2)

2023-06-27 来源:百合文库
Maybe you feel that there is no reason for you to live in this world, so you must always keep your sense and firmly believe that a miracle will eventually come, even if this miracle is trivial, because you are a miracle to live.
But when you can't maintain your final sanity, think about other people, think about those who survived the hardships but still survive tenaciously.
Don't say "I can't", people always have their good side, because "gold always shines", you just haven't waited until the moment that belongs to you.

Life or Death

Don't feel that your dream is out of reach, but if your dream is really unfulfilled, set a small goal that you can accomplish first.
People can change, change their lives, change themselves, change the environment and people around them, even change a country, a world, and change everything. And whether we can change and what we can change depends on whether we can understand ourselves correctly
"Humanity can be destroyed, but cannot be defeated." People are not born cowardly. You should face difficulties and setbacks bravely and fight them to the end.