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[Mr. Super] Chapter 21 I Want to Hold Your Hands Forever(2)

2023-06-27爱情彩虹 来源:百合文库
The cruel summer has spent most of its energy, whatever was left was only its warmth and breezes of drowsy wind.
" Do you regret?" After all these days, I finally asked him the question which I was never dare to ask. I was afraid, afraid that he would answer this question with a "yes".
" What's there to be regret for?" He asked a question in return.
“Saving me.” I answered.
“To be honest, I was more of a hindrance than...” I added.

[Mr. Super] Chapter 21  I Want to Hold Your Hands Forever

"Stop saying that. Don't limited yourself by saying you are not worth saving or good enough." He interrupted, " I only regret that I didn't meet you sooner and that I meet you in this suffering way."
He paused, hesitated and finally opened his mouth.
" I have been having a dream." He continued, "That season with clear sky and streams of people busily coming and going in the crowd, I do not know whom you are looking for, but one glance at you, passes a million years."

[Mr. Super] Chapter 21  I Want to Hold Your Hands Forever
