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ISO 6940纺织织物点燃性检测

2023-06-26 来源:百合文库

ISO 6940纺织织物点燃性检测

ISO 6940: 纺织织物燃烧性能垂直向样品易点燃性的测定-标准名称 测试电话:13112719619 周经理 微信同手机号
ISO 6940: Textile fabrics; burning behaviour; determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens
ISO 6940: 纺织织物 燃烧性能 垂直向样品易点燃性的测定 
ISO 6940: 纺织织物燃烧性能垂直向样品易点燃性的测定-标准简介
ISO 6940规定了一种测量垂直取向的纺织织物和工业产品在单组分或多组分织物(涂层、绗缝、多层、夹层结构和类似组合)受到小的、确定大小的火焰时的燃性的测定方法。该方法在受控条件下对织物在火焰接触下的性能进行了评价。
ISO 6940 specifies a method for the measurement of ease of ignition of vertically oriented textile fabrics and industrial products in the form of single or multi-component fabrics (coated, quilted, multilayered, sandwich constructions, and similar combinations), when subjected to a small, defined flame. This method assesses the properties of textile fabrics in response to flame contact under controlled conditions.

ISO 6940纺织织物点燃性检测
