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未来星文集【5】:《Do you think zoom learning can replace classroom teach(3)

2023-06-14未来星未来星文集 来源:百合文库

未来星文集【5】:《Do you think zoom learning can replace classroom teach

——Future Star Lord(Hatsune · Miku)
*This article is my own and is not to be reproduced without permission. 
*In particular, this article used to participate in the Hong Kong Competition, no one can reproduce!
The first writng: 17th October, 2020 ——Future Star Lord(Hatsune · Miku) 
( 首作:2020.10.17——未来星星主(初音 · 未来) )

未来星文集【5】:《Do you think zoom learning can replace classroom teach
