SCP Foundation-Site Rules(3)
2023-06-15 来源:百合文库
Upvoting your own article: You can upvote or even downvote your article as you like.
Brigading: Calling for group downvoting (or group upvoting) of an article is strictly against the rules. A brigade replaces voting on quality with voting as part of a bandwagon. Being part of a downvote brigade may also lead to a ban.
Forum Activity: Don't make contentless or excessively short posts (spam), don't bump threads for attention, and don't post on threads more than a few months old if you're not contributing substantially to the conversation.
Avoid double posting. Edit your previous posts using the "edit" function under the "options" tab to the lower right of every comment.
Every image posted to forum or discussion threads must be collapsed (check the "Formatting" tab of this guide for the code for collapsibles).
Do not make forum game threads without mod approval.
Posting Articles: Do not post a large number of low-quality articles. When staff tell you to slow down or stop posting, listen.
Brigading: Calling for group downvoting (or group upvoting) of an article is strictly against the rules. A brigade replaces voting on quality with voting as part of a bandwagon. Being part of a downvote brigade may also lead to a ban.
Forum Activity: Don't make contentless or excessively short posts (spam), don't bump threads for attention, and don't post on threads more than a few months old if you're not contributing substantially to the conversation.
Avoid double posting. Edit your previous posts using the "edit" function under the "options" tab to the lower right of every comment.
Every image posted to forum or discussion threads must be collapsed (check the "Formatting" tab of this guide for the code for collapsibles).
Do not make forum game threads without mod approval.
Posting Articles: Do not post a large number of low-quality articles. When staff tell you to slow down or stop posting, listen.