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SCP Foundation SCP-5004 - MEGALOMANIA(3)

2023-06-14 来源:百合文库

SCP Foundation SCP-5004 - MEGALOMANIA

Additional details regarding the conditions of Protocol 115-ASHE and the SCP-5004-B information control efforts are available elsewhere in this document.
Description: SCP-5004 is the group designation for anomalous phenomenon affecting the Executive branch of the United States Government.
SCP-5004-A is a colossal thaumatological entity, identified as "SUSPIRA-PRIME" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incident Unit and self-titled as "Old Gorman", which was ritualistically summoned to the material plane by US Supreme Court Justice and noted sorcerer Charles Evans Hughes during the US General Election of 1916. The supposed intent of this summoning was to aid Justice Hughes in his campaign against incumbent President Woodrow Wilson; however, this effort was in vain, as SCP-5004-A was originally too weak to take any action that would have aided the Republican Candidate. After his eventual loss to Wilson, Hughes - either unknowingly or out of spite1, altered the conditions of his ritual in such a way that changed SCP-5004-A's stated intentions, leaving the entity to sleep for 100 years before awakening.