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SCP Foundation SCP-1339 - Justified Badge(2)

2023-06-15 来源:百合文库
When SCP-1339 is fastened to the clothing of a human being (other species may be affected by SCP-1339, see Test Log), henceforth referred to as the subject, they will be convinced that any actions they observe or commit are entirely justified and valid (see Addendum 1339-1). When asked about events, the subject will always rationalize and defend the action. Assessments of motor skills, problem solving and cognitive abilities have all proven that SCP-1339 does not impair mental facilities. Foundation psychologists and speech pathologists have noticed that the speaking patterns of SCP-1339 subjects resemble those of psycho- and sociopaths.

SCP Foundation SCP-1339 - Justified Badge

Once SCP-1339 is removed from the subject, he or she will immediately feel large amounts of guilt and depression, even if they committed no morally or ethically wrong actions while wearing it. Attempts at therapy have worked along the same lines as others with depression or guilt, with therapists noting that patients are much more resistant to both antidepressants and traditional psychiatry. Amnestics have proven useful in removing "memories" of the digressions, though feelings of guilt are still reported by subjects. In a majority of cases where treatment is not received, the subject will commit suicide. On several occasions, the subject has confessed to unknown crimes in suicide notes. Despite the possibility of reopening “cold cases” or finding missing persons, it has been decided that testing is to be suspended until further notice.