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真理世界6【The situation is urgent】(27)

“Oh who— killed Cock Robin?“ “The prelude is on”
“Oh who— killed Cock Robin?” “applause breaks out loud”
“Look my dear, they are right hurrying for their stage”
“Please let the curtains down, the show’s on its way”

真理世界6【The situation is urgent】

借你份多浓重的爱 端好庄严的嗓
借他 颗多沉的胆 抬棺向远方
再借我副多细瘦的针线 交织寿衣纤长
当晨晓迫近 暮霭潜藏
借你束多明亮的光 史书名姓镌上
借他多嘹亮歌喉 赞美 诗高唱
再借我双多宽阔的臂膀 将丧↓钟尽敲响
当夜空荡荡 徒留星芒
“Oh who— killed Cock Robin?“ “Sadness pervades”

真理世界6【The situation is urgent】
