‘Wake up, Master,’ whispered Windwalker urgently. ‘Wake up! You can’t sleep now...’
A rush of hot air over Hiccup’s shaking body made him open his eyes again. Blinking in the warm breeze, he realised that the Windwalker was blowing hot air over him to warm him. The steamy breath of the dragon gradually heated his shaking limbs into stillness, and he climbed to his feet, horribly lopsided and as weak as a fawn finding its feet for the first time. His left side was almost completely numb, and even his thoughts seemed sluggish.
He looked back at the Great Hall, now a confused mass of shouting, screaming Alvinsmen Warriors fighting Dragonmarker Warriors and shooting randomly into the air.
Excellent. Fishlegs and Camicazi had gone ahead with their Diversion. And it sounded like Hiccup’s mother and the Dragonmarker army might have joined them.
The second part of Plan B was going to be a little trickier.
Because the success of the second part of Plan B relied on the Hogfly.