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Beside them three more Alvinsmen were hauling up the box that had Camicazi inside it. 
‘Two more strong drags and we’ll have him!’ panted Alvin in relief. 
But Camicazi’s box came up first – or rather the remains of Camicazi’s box. The padlocks and chains were broken, the dripping wood was split open wide, smashed to pieces by some great mystery force, and there was no Camicazi inside. 


The little blonde Escape Artist had made her most daring escape. 
‘Nooooooooooo!’ howled the witch. ‘Where has she gone?’ 
And then the chain that was supposed to have Hiccup on the end of it jerked once, twice… 
It was as if Alvin and his Alvinsmen were out in the Open Ocean, fishing for mackerel, and the line was suddenly taken by a gigantic shark. The chain was wrenched back with such ferocity that it heaved all four Warriors off their feet, and up into the air, and dragged them right to the edge of the TRAPdoor.

