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At that the witch’s eyes gleamed. ‘AHA!’ she said triumphantly. ‘Of course! Why didn’t I think of this before? I have been conducting this trial on the wrong person. We all have our little weaknesses, don’t we, Hiccup?’ she gloated. ‘And yours is soft-heartedness. You care more about other people than you do for your runty self. So how about we throw this box containing your dear little Bog-Burglar friend into the water instead of you?’


At last Alvin felt that his mother was thinking along the right lines. 
‘This is why you will always be weaker than I am, Hiccup. Camicazi is a very good friend of yours, isn’t she? And although she is a great little Escape Artist, even she will not be able to get out of a box, wrapped in chains, and thrown into the sea. 
‘She is not a magician, after all.’
Six burly Alvinsmen threw a rope around the box, with Camicazi’s voice shouting, ‘Stay strong, Hiccup! Don’t worry, I can get out of this! Don’t betray everyone on account of me!’ 

