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Gobber and the Dragonmarkers gasped in horror. 
Their last hope… gone. 
‘This time we will keep good care of the last Lost Thing,’ grinned the witch, ‘and hide it immediately with the others. 
Snotlout, you have excelled yourself!’ Snotlout bowed low before the witch and Alvin. 
‘Will you do me the honour of entrusting me to carry the last Lost Thing to the hiding-place where you keep the other Lost Things?’ said Snotlout. 


His voice was light, casual. 
The witch’s eyes narrowed. 
‘That is a very great secret. Nobody knows where we have hidden those Things.’ 
‘I have proved my loyalty to you both by betraying my former Tribe and kinsmen,’ said Snotlout. ‘I am now no longer a Hooligan, but Alvin’s loyal subject, an Alvinsman of the Wilderwest.’ 
The witch thought a while, regarding the boy in front of her with her acute serpent eyes, and then she hissed softly, ‘We are of course full of gratitude to you for your services to Alvin and to the Wilderwest, Snotlout, and you shall receive your just reward. 

