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The floor of the cavern was sea, and above it, as Snotlout had said, the witch and Alvin had built a Viking town on stilts. A crazy maze of wooden platforms wound nearly from one side of the cavern to the other, with houses and blacksmith’s forges and armouries and even a crooked Great Hall standing in the centre, made out of what looked like the jumbled remains of ships, with the skull-and-crossbones Treacherous flag flying from the top. 


At the edges of this town there were at least a hundred black ships, skulking like predatory black widow spiders, torches and flares glowing along their sides. And there was a melancholy, familiar sight of gigantic dragon cages, with that terrible sound of captured, terrified dragons, and the smell of chains being made out of molten metal, for Alvin and the witch were using dragons as slaves again. 
It was good for Hiccup to see this at this time, for it was so easy, in the chaos and the horror of war, to forget what they were fighting for. It reminded Hiccup that though he had made mistakes – he had released the Dragon Furious, he had lost Camicazi – he had made those mistakes for a reason. 