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Whole mountains had been demolished, shaken to rubble as if there had been an earthquake. Whole forests reduced to little toasted sticks of kindling and ash. 
Every now and then the river itself was blocked, and dammed, by gigantic torn-up rocks from an obliterated hillside. Water spurted up and round the obstructions like blood from a wound, before reverting to its original course. 
The bite in Hiccup’s arm was a constant reminder of the Vampire Spydragon. It could track him down through the tooth still buried in his flesh. It could appear out of nowhere, out of nothing, so Hiccup was constantly looking over his shoulder, feeling that at any moment he could be attacked once again. 


The bruise had spread so that the whole of the left side of Hiccup’s body was purple in colour, right down to his knee. 
‘I look like a Mood-Dragon!’ Hiccup joked, but that was to cover up how frightened he was. 
All the discoloured areas were so numb that he couldn’t feel or use his left arm at all. It was hard to cling on to the Deadly Shadow’s back. He told himself that the Spydragon had been scared off by the scale of the Dragon Rebellion attack last night, along with everything else. They crept through the devastation, scurrying, terrified, to hide behind the corpse of one blasted tree, and then on to another, and even though they were shaded by the wings of the Deadly Shadow, they felt painfully visible – the only moving things in a wasteland of nothing. 