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‘Wodensfang!’ said Hiccup, sitting bolt upright in surprise. ‘You’re speaking Norse! I didn’t know you could speak Norse! I thought it was only Stormfly here who had that gift.’ 
‘So did I,’ said Stormfly sadly. It was a bad night for Stormfly. Her mistress had gone missing, and now there was this revelation that somebody else shared her unique gift. 
‘Why have you never spoken Norse before, Wodensfang?’ asked Hiccup. 


‘Just because you have a gift, it doesn’t mean you need to tell everyone about it,’ replied the Wodensfang simply. ‘I think the boy Snotlout might be interested in this…’
And in the darkness, the Wodensfang told the story of how the Dragonmark became the Slavemark.
Silence in the underground treehouse, as everyone realised who this Speedfast must be. 
‘The boy who was once Speedfast?’ asked Hiccup. He knew the answer even as he asked the question. 

