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They were catching up with the light; it was bigger and brighter and stronger, and Hiccup could catch that distinctive smell of campfire in his nostrils. 
They were now following the river that wound its way like a sinister sleeping snake through the centre of the gorge. 
The river turned a corner. And there it was… 
A campfire, burning on an island of ice that was moving swiftly in the current in the centre of the river. 


Lying on his front on the island of ice was a human, chained to a sleeping riding-dragon, a Hurricane, with scars and whip marks all along its side.
Hiccup could see immediately why this human had been screaming. Running along the riverbanks, flitting through the trees, were the dark shapes of a gigantic pack of Wolf-fangs. The human must have been camping on some frozen lake upriver, and the ice had broken up in the night, and carried him on his little raft downstream, where his scent was picked up by Wolf-fangs. Wolf-fangs were neutral dragons, thank Thor, not part of the Rebellion. They were wingless, but persistent killers nonetheless.

