And then there was a short, sharp cry and the next moment it was as if Hiccup, sand-yacht, basket and all, were swallowed up in one gulping swoop by the very air above them… It was unbelievable. One minute he was there, the next he was gone. The crowd with their weapons and their axes and their swords looked at the spot where he was last seen with goggling eyes and jaws agape, and huge gasps of wondering, disbelieving, gob-smacked amazement. ‘He’s gone,’ said Gumboil slowly. ‘He’s completely vanished…
’ ‘NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!’ shrieked the witch. ‘No! No! No! No! No!’ as Gumboil hastily oared the witch’s sand-yacht to the absolute spot where last he was. ‘It’s not possible! It’s just not possible!’
King Alvin’s royal sand-yacht came to a gloomy swishing stop beside her. ‘I did tell you, Mother. I have a long history with this brat, and we should have hooked him to death while we had a chance. I’ve been keeping my hook especially sharp on purpose.’ There is a kind of satisfaction that comes with being right, even when it is to your disadvantage. ‘And now he even has the map…
’ ‘NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!’ shrieked the witch. ‘No! No! No! No! No!’ as Gumboil hastily oared the witch’s sand-yacht to the absolute spot where last he was. ‘It’s not possible! It’s just not possible!’
King Alvin’s royal sand-yacht came to a gloomy swishing stop beside her. ‘I did tell you, Mother. I have a long history with this brat, and we should have hooked him to death while we had a chance. I’ve been keeping my hook especially sharp on purpose.’ There is a kind of satisfaction that comes with being right, even when it is to your disadvantage. ‘And now he even has the map…