‘Oh, she wouldn’t mind,’ lied Camicazi vaguely. ‘She’s got her hands full with the Dragon Rebellion. They’re attacking the Bog-Burglar Islands every single night now, a bit like here…’ ‘No way are you staying here, Camicazi,’ repeated Hiccup. ‘You haven’t got a Slavemark, it’s way too dangerous. Besides,’ he said hastily, remembering how much she loved danger and so this would just be an encouragement, ‘you have to lead your escape service. There’s this kid called Eggingarde who sleeps opposite me, and I think she really needs to escape, the whole Darkheart experience is getting her down.’ ‘All right, then!’ said Camicazi, thoughtful for a second, and then allowing herself to be distracted. ‘Bog-Burglars,’ she addressed the Escape Artists in a loud conspiratorial whisper, ‘lets put into action Operation Eggingarde!’ ‘Operation Eggingarde!’ repeated Typhoon, Sporta, Harriettahorse and Beefburger, giving each other the Bog-Burglar high-five.