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The Island Epilogue(3)

2023-05-30克苏鲁完结孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
The depletion of ferrous ions in the ocean took more than a billion years. Until about 2.4 billion years ago, ferrous ions were completely oxidized and oxygen began to dissolve in seawater and be released into the atmosphere. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere reached 4 percent (compared with 21 percent today), which is called the Great oxidation event. Oxygen was toxic to the anaerobes of the time, and many of them died, only a few adapted to the aerobic environment survived, and the aerobes began to flourish.

The Island Epilogue

But it is not the right moment for its to feed, not this period.
So it kept waiting.
“Flight A-012451, Flight A-012451, you may start boarding now in gate 13. Flight A-012451...”Arthur and his friends got on the plane, but still, with no emotion.

The Island Epilogue
