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2023-05-30 来源:百合文库
“嘿嘿嘿,我要开始表演了,开启骚腿模式,不,是第三形态。不是大方盒。”MTT说,“那么,粉丝们很感谢你们观看本直播,那么请快乐的观赏吧!”MTT开始了各种高难度动作,看起来都不容易呀!但却令MTT毫无压力,反而更加快速了!人气一下子涨上了天,粉丝们都热情的欢呼。“真是精彩啊!”x怪说。“对啊!”x怪紧接着说。“哦哦,粉丝们都那么热情啊,那么请聆听我的歌声吧。”MTT说,“那么,歌词He said..."Oh Mary,contrary how does your garden grow?","Come with me,and you'll be,the seventh maid in a row.",My answer was laughter soft as I lowered my head...You are too late,I'm afraid,the flower's already dead.Resetting as I was,with blossoms in full bloom.( blossoms in full bloom ),Never a chance to pause magic to consume.( magic to consume ),A shadow walked behind me offering his hand.But couldn't understand...He said..."Oh Mary,contrary how does your garden grow?","Come with me,and you'll be,the seventh maid in a row.",My answer was laughter soft as I lowered my head...You are too late,I'm afraid,the flower's already dead.Scattering petals down the road without an end.( road without an end ),Left on the battleground for one I called my friend.( one I called my friend ),Maybe he loved me as he took by my hand.And tried to understand...I said..."Oh Mary,contrary how does your garden grow?","Stay with me,I can't see anywhere that we could go."MTT唱完之后,掌声响起来了!