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The Island 原创作品 第三章(下)(4)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
“You mean the ship with those big iron plate? One of our man saw your ship few hours ago, I’ll take you to where we found it.” Suddenly Kanuba stopped, his facial expression changed from relax to serious, Arthur nearly bumped into him for not seeing this coming. “What happened Mr.Kanuba? Why are we stopping? Blair said in the middle. Kanuba didn’t answer her question, he’s staring at something at the other side of the forest, somewhere that is more deeper, now the sun is completely goes down, with the silence in this instant, there seem to have something else making sound in that forest. Kanuba keep observing that dark forest.

The Island 原创作品 第三章(下)

After a few second, he turned his face to Arthur, it is so suddenly that scares Arthur and Owen, Kanuba spoke with an unusual, deep voice: “Tell your friend, do not tempt to go inside that side of the forest, it iss forbidden by tribe Kalulu. I repeat, DO NOT GO TO THAT FOREST. Do you understand?” Kanuba keep staring at Arthur to get a response, it is clear that his serious face scares Arthur and his friends. “Of, of course sir, I will tell them, no problem.” Arthur answered, in this moment he don’t have the guts to ask the reason of this rule. “There must be a reason of not entering that forest.” Arthur thought. “Right, Let’s keep walking, our tribe is just ahead.” Kanuba restores his smiley face in a second, just like he’s always with that emotion. And so they start walking again. When Arthur looked at that part of the forest, there’s something that he feels not right. In that dark forest, everything looks so cold, so quiet. While Arthur is staring at the forest, feels like something from that forest is also watching him.