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The Island 原创作品 第二章(7)

2023-05-29生存惊悚微克苏鲁 来源:百合文库

The Island 原创作品 第二章

“We are so lucky to see that giant turtle, right George? ” Blair brush her wet hair.
George opens a bag of snack, after all diving burns a lot of energies: “It is certainly rare to see such a big fella in here.”
“Thank god there’s no shark around here, otherwise we will be toast right now.” John took another towel to cover his skinny body, clearly someone like john who do not do much sport are very easy to get cold.
Suddenly a strong sea breeze blew past the ship, nearly make the ship shaking very violent. Arthur took out the weather forecast table. ”Strange, there are not supposed to have such strong wind in this time period, is there a storm just formed around here?” Arthur thought and turn on the radio: “Weather control, this is “ Enlightening” yacht , in appearance there’s a strong wind around our position, are there any storm near this position? Over.” While waiting for response, Arthur looked at the sea level.

The Island 原创作品 第二章
