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The Island 原创作品 第二章(4)

2023-05-29生存惊悚微克苏鲁 来源:百合文库
“Thank you for inviting me to the trip, Arthur. It is important for me to take a break to walk out this “sad period” and get ready to face a new life without her I think.” Owen took out a beer and said with a sense of sorrow: “The most sad thing is that I almost spend most of my college year with her, and it is such a lucky thing that I can still graduate in time. I’m afraid my grade in school isn’t that good, what if I cannot find a good job in London? What should I do then?”

The Island 原创作品 第二章

“ Don’t worry about it, Owen, I believe for your skill in accounting, sure you can find a nice, proper job in the Bank or insurance company. Hey listen, after this trip, I have an internship in Intel, they said I can recommend my schoolmate for another internship in different apartment.” Arthur took out a form from his backpack.
“What do you mean by another internship?” Owen was very confuse.
“ I’ve already give your resume to Intel, they said the accounting manager are just looking for an assistant and they think you can be that assistant for a few month’s internship. And the best part, if this goes well, you and I can work in the same company in the future! So what do you say partner? For Intel?” Arthur reaches out his hand to Owen.