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[Mr. Super] Chapter One Itchy Feelings(2)

NOW THE STORY BEGINSChapter One Itchy Feelings" To tell the truth, I had no idea if I could ever see him again. Maybe never. But as long as I am in love with him, I have nothing to lose. He suddenly became the whole world to me. He was the center of my world, the core of my universe."
Gentle wind breezed through the windows and softly kissed everyone on their cheek. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and glamored. The fragrance of flowers spread in the air sneaked into my nose.

[Mr. Super] Chapter One Itchy Feelings

The weather was so wonderful and attractive that It stole my attention from the teacher to the outside of the window. 
"BOOM !" Suddenly there was a loud bang and a puff of smoke snakeing to the sky.
The fire was bursting out of the window of the lab, but before I blinked and rubbed my eyes to see clearer, the fire was put out. I was shocked.
“ What happened?" I thought to myself. “There was definitely a fire. I saw it, I promise.” I whispered to my deskmate, but she did not buy it at all. I managed to stay calm, and when the class was finally over, I ran down the stairs like an arrow and in no time I am at the front door of the lab.