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At last he said in exasperation, "You're NEVER going to be a Hero with this attitude. How can you be with no one to cheer, no one to clap?"
"Okay then," Hiccup sighed. "I'll never be a Hero. All I know is that I'm supposed to be theFuture Leader of this Tribe and I want there to be a Tribe left to lead. And that seems more important to me than being a Hero."


They staggered through the heather towards the Hooligan Village, which was strangely silent and deserted. No smoke curled from the rooftops, no children quarreled in the streets, no dragons were fighting in the thatch.
"Please, please, good god Woden," prayed Hiccup, "PLEASE let everybody be alive."
Everybody was alive.
Miraculously, no one had drowned during the sinking of the Lucky Thirteen.

