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But Fishlegs couldn't hear him.
"FISHLEGS!" shouted Hiccup, hesitating some more. "IF WE DON'T GET OFF NOW WE MAY BE TOO LATE!"
It was already too late.
There was a mighty C-R-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-A-AA-K!!!!!! from above and the burning mast crashed into the sea.
Stoick watched in horror from the deck of the Hammerhead as the Lucky Thirteen flipped over onto its back, trapping Hiccup, Fishlegs, Alvin and Toothless underneath it as it did so.


It then sank before his eyes.
And Stoick knew that this particular part of the ocean, despite being so close to the cliffs, was very, very deep, too deep even for lobster pots.
"HIC-CUP!" yelled Stoick in despair.
He knew that he would never see his son again.
For who could get out of that situation alive?
