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Snotlout grinned even more widely when he saw Hiccup trudging up, trying to look inconspicuous (difficult when you are attended by a friend carrying a gigantic limpet).
"Look what I've found, Hiccup," drawled Snotlout.
Snotlout had found a large wooden chest, very battered and scuffed and thoroughly gnawed by Skullions. It had the words " PROPERTY OF GRIMBEARD THE GHASTLY DO NOT OPEN" written on it in large golden letters.


Hiccup sighed. No chance of it NOT being the treasure, then.
"Righto then," said Stoick, rubbing his hands together in a businesslike fashion. "Let's open it."
Hiccup forgot about shutting up and keeping a low profile.
"Father," he whispered urgently, "we can't open it here. Look, it says 'DO NOT OPEN' on the front. Remember what happened last time?"

