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The most gigantic limpet shell anyone had ever seen.
At exactly the same moment as Hiccup sat down suddenly, gazing at the limpet, there was the faint, clear sound of a whistle being blown not far away.
"Useless," said Hiccup, staring at the limpet. "I really am USELESS. This is the second time the Gods have sent me a sign. The first time they sent me a minuscule dragon three times smaller than anyone else's. ..."


"Thank you," said Toothless, staring down into the hole. "D-d-d-don't understand it. Really DID smell m-m-m-metal...."
"... THIS time they send me a gigantic limpet."
"It's the most enormous limpet I've ever seen," said Fishlegs in awe. "I think you may have discovered a whole new species."

