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So Hiccup drew his too-big sword, and they set off, keeping a sharp eye out for any Skullions that might be awake.
They waded through waist-high ferns and endless heather, much as they might have done on Berk. At one point they passed a GIGANTIC footprint in the mud. Hiccup knelt down to examine it.
"Woden preserve us," he murmured. "This means the Skullion is about TWICE as big as we previously thought."


"No question that it'd beat the Bloody Crocoraptor in one-to-one combat, then," said Fishlegs, unable to stop himself from laughing hysterically. "Oh, this is great, on top of everything else, I'm going
Hiccup was feeling nervous about so many things it was difficult to concentrate on which worry to worry about most. He HAD to find the treasure. It was bad enough being the worst swordfighting trainee EVER, but if he didn't find this treasure that the Heir was supposed to find, then his father was going to be really disappointed. Hiccup hated disappointing his father, even though he had lots of practice at it.

