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2023-05-29 来源:百合文库

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晋太元中,武陵人以捕鱼为业。缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽闻水声,如鸣 佩环,心悦之。伐竹取道,见庄子与惠子游于濠梁之上。庄子曰:“鲦 鱼出游从容,是鱼之乐也”惠子曰:“子非鱼,安知鱼之乐?”庄子曰 :“子非我,安知我不为鱼邪?”化而为“坤”,鲲之大,一锅炖不下 。化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鲲之大,需要两个烧烤架,一个孜然,一个麻 辣。鹏怒曰:“我从未见过如此厚颜无耻之人!汝竟妄想食我耶?去屎 !”乃发配为弼马温,途径石壕村,有吏夜捉人。问吏捉所何,听吏前 致词。吏曰:“将有一孩,想为母炊。去市买船,船已无,乃买数两‘ 奥利给’。至家,乃开始炊,忽炸。孩曰:‘我只望为母炊,不想而炸 ’三成死于炸,四成死于见呕吐,余皆为臭死,止我两存活,带时光机 止来,止此事发生”话间,一孩误触时光机,俄而......晋太元中,武 陵人以捕鱼为业......
In Jin Dynasty. Someone's job was fishing. He walked follow the river. He forgot how far. Suddenly, he hearded water, it was sounds like 明佩环. He felt great. Cut the 竹子 and make a road. He saw Zhuang and Hui are playing on the brigde of River Hao. Zhuang said:"鲦鱼 plays freely, it's happy." Hui said:"You are not fish, how do you know it's happy?" Zhuang said:"you are not me, how do you know I'm not a fish." Then he became KUN. KUN is very big, it couldn't be cooked in only one 锅. Then became a bird, its name is PENG. PENG is very big it's need two 烧烤架. One is 孜然, another one is 麻 辣 .PENG said:"I never met so 厚颜无耻 like you! You even want to eat me, don't you? Go shit(滑稽)!

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