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The Ickabog Chapter 1 King Fred the Fearless(5)

2023-05-29J.K.罗琳Ickabog 来源:百合文库

The Ickabog Chapter 1 King Fred the Fearless

‘His daughters are nowhere near pretty enough to exchange for Hopes-of-Heaven, sire!’ said Spittleworth.
To the north of Chouxville lay more green fields and clear, sparkling rivers, where jet-black cows and happy pink pigs were raised. These in turn served the twin cities of Kurdsburg and Baronstown, which were separated from each other by an arching stone bridge over the main river of Cornucopia, the Fluma, where brightly coloured barges bore goods from one end of the kingdom to another.

The Ickabog Chapter 1 King Fred the Fearless
