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[Image: A dragon.]
"And that's only an afternoon's work," said Snotlout.
Fireworm purred with pleasure. She shrugged her beautiful, shining, blood-red shoulders.
"To tie nose of an aristocrat like myself," she hissed, "the thing was reeking like a week-old haddock."
"Naturally," said Toothless, "if you have a nose the s-s-size of an elephant seal it m-m-makes life easy for you."


Fireworm's nostrils flared furiously. "I have a beautifully proportioned nose," she snapped.
"Now, now, Fireworm," chided Snotlout, who didn't understand Dragonese but knew they were trading insults, "don't let the peasants upset you. Just think of when we get to the Isle of the Skullions and you sniff out the treasure and everybody will know that I am the true heir to the Hairy Hooligans.... Nice thought, isn't it, Useless?"

