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Toothless nodded, still with Hiccup holding his mouth shut.
"Well, tien," said Hiccup, "we have to practice. Promise you won't bite me anymore, and no claw-crossing?"
As soon as Hiccup had removed his fingers, Toothless went all limp and floppy.
"T-t-toothless so w-w-weak... can't sniff when he's so w-w-weak...," he moaned pathetically.


"RIGHT," said Hiccup, "you can have the other half of the mackerel if you BEHAVE FROM NOW NO."
"Okay, then," grumbled Toothless, shaking his wings. "T-t-toothless Daydreams such g-g-g-good sniffers they don't have to p-p-practice, but OKAY."
Hiccup and Fishlegs scraped the disgusting mess of the rest of the mackerel from the bottom of Stoick's bed -- Stoick was NOT going to be pleased -- and fed it to Toothless, as well as a small haddock pie and three or four oysters.

