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"THOR ONLY KNOWS," yelled Gobber, "how you USELESS LOT got initiated into the tribe of the Hairy Hooligans ... but you now face four tough years on the Pirate Training Program before you can truly call yourselves VIKINGS."
"Oh great," thought Hiccup gloomily.
"We will begin with the most important
Viking Skill of all... SWORDFIGHTING AT SEA."


Gobber grinned.
"The rules of Pirate Swordfighting are ... THERE ARE NO RULES. In this lesson, biting, gouging, scratching and anything else particularly nasty all get you extra points. The first boy to call out 'I submit' shall be the loser."
"Or we all drown," muttered Hiccup, "whichever is the sooner."
"NOW," shouted Gobber. "I NOMINATE

