2023-05-28 来源:百合文库
张文兴见皇上如此,便再次请求着;“Ask permission of the fish kingdom emperor!”
“It is said that fish has a treasure, which is very popular in China..”张文兴转了话题。
“Imperial concubine mirror!”张文兴喊了出来。此话一出,皇上与众人心中一紧,惊讶之中鹿岁客走了出来道:“这贵妃镜是由上好的玄铁经工匠们千锤百炼而成,捶打好后,再采集未出阁的少女们的眼泪浸泡了七七四十九天而成的。敢问阳国使臣要它何用?”
“The emperor of our country sincerely wants to play the mirror of the imperial concubine. After the emperor of our country finishes watching it, he will return it to the country of fish by his minister. He also asks the emperor of the country of fish to take the mirror of the imperial concubine back to the country of Yang by his minister!”张文兴双手合十虔诚地看着皇上。
“To be honest, this is what the king of our country asked for to solve the homesickness of Wei and the princess!”张文兴不慌不忙道。
“It is said that fish has a treasure, which is very popular in China..”张文兴转了话题。
“Imperial concubine mirror!”张文兴喊了出来。此话一出,皇上与众人心中一紧,惊讶之中鹿岁客走了出来道:“这贵妃镜是由上好的玄铁经工匠们千锤百炼而成,捶打好后,再采集未出阁的少女们的眼泪浸泡了七七四十九天而成的。敢问阳国使臣要它何用?”
“The emperor of our country sincerely wants to play the mirror of the imperial concubine. After the emperor of our country finishes watching it, he will return it to the country of fish by his minister. He also asks the emperor of the country of fish to take the mirror of the imperial concubine back to the country of Yang by his minister!”张文兴双手合十虔诚地看着皇上。
“To be honest, this is what the king of our country asked for to solve the homesickness of Wei and the princess!”张文兴不慌不忙道。