"That's right," said the Dragon. "Your Why-Can't-I-More- Like- My-Father? problem Your It's-Harh-to-Be-a-Hero problem. Your Snotlout-Would-Make-a-Better-Cftief-Than-Me problem. I have helped. the probiems of many a Supper. Some-how meeting a Really Big problem like myself seems to put everything else inproportion."
"Let me get this straight," said Hiccup. "You know all about my father, and me not being a Hero and everything ~"
"I can see things like that," said the Green Death modestly.
"-anil you want me to tell you my problems and then you're going to eat me?"
"We're back at tie beginning again," sighed the Green Death. "We're all going to be eaten SOMETIME. You can win yourself some extra time, though, if you're a smart little crabstick. A few scraps from tie burning...."