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"JUST ONCE," yelled Hiccup. "Why couldn't you let me be a Hero JUST ONCE? I didn't want anything amazing, just to pass this STUPID TEST so I could become a proper Viking like everybody else."
Thor's thunder boomed and crackled above him blackly.
"OKAY, THEN ," screamed Hiccup, "HIT ME with your stupid lightning. Just do something to show you're thinking about me AT ALL."


But there were to be no bolts of lightning for Hiccup. Thor clearly didn't think he was important enough for an answer. The storm moved on out to sea.
Chapter 11. THOR IS ANGRY
The storm raged through the whole of that night. Hiccup lay unable to sleep as the wind hurled about the walls like fifty dragons trying to get in.
"Let us in, let us in," shrieked the wind. "We're very, very hungry."

