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灵异档案馆 02 瘦长鬼影 Slanderman(5)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
笔者在搜集资料的过程中,曾经登陆SA论坛(Something Awful,可怕事物论坛),试图去那个创造了瘦长鬼影的帖子,但是既有可能是年代久远,或者笔者搜索技术不到位,所以并没有找到那个帖子,但是却无意间发现了善良网友在2014年在论坛中发表的文章“Please Do Not Kill Anybody Because of Slenderman(不要因为瘦长鬼影去杀任何人)”。
这位ID名为Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons (@sexyfacts4u)的热心网友,在文章中痛心疾首的说道:
On Monday, June 2nd, two 12 year old girls from suburban Wisconsin attempted to brutally murder another girl to appease the fictional character Slenderman. This incident has been described as "tragic" and the perpetrators described as "insane" or "deeply troubled." I don't want to make light of mental health issues, but it would seem to me that a more accurate diagnosis would be that these two 12 year old girls are dumb as hell.译文:

灵异档案馆 02 瘦长鬼影 Slanderman

译文:你知道耐克的老口号,Just Do It?它是正确的,只要“它”是“不要因为某些可怕的东西而伤害他人或你自己”。
