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2023-05-16 来源:百合文库


! Can't you hear what GRANDPA says?"The two men started to roar. Another person thought, touch out a cell phone, dial a phone, he would report to the Xu family this matter. Broken Army micro-rise, such as an angry King kong-like suddenly attack! As soon as Qi Kunlun reached the car, he heard the Brittle crack of two bones and the sound of pain and wailing. Then he heard the powerful footsteps approaching from the rear. The Broken Army held the big hand of the mobile phone to reach in front of Qi Kunlun, Respectfully said: "Qi Shuai, this is the call that that person made out! " "Hello? " Qi Kunlun took the mobile phone, his face indifferent, indifferent should a voice. "Hello? I told you two to go to the cemetery to watch, today is my father's birthday, you pour some more chicken blood on Qi Hong's grave and open it for him, too."Qi Kunlun heard this, and his eyes grew cold. "Eh, never mind, just smashed his tombstone, think of my sister with this guy for so long, feel sick. " The other way. "You hold a birthday party, but want to smash his tombstone? " The Voice of Qi Kunlun, in the ice-cold show insuppressible killing, "Xu Jia, damn! " "Who are you? "? You Talk to me like that, you'RE GONNA die... .. Qi Kunlun said nothing more. His fingers were clenched, his cell phone was crushed, and he pulled the car door open to get into the car. Then the army marched up and drove away. As soon as the car started, a woman's voice came over the car radio. Her husband died nearly three years ago, and after January, it will be the anniversary of his death. He committed the crime of raping her. Fortunately, God has eyes, everyone has a conscience, let me find the dead husband's criminal record in time, this will stop it. "To avoid punishment of the law, also dare not to face his own heinous crime, he also made a gun suicide to escape the responsibility of the Coward Act! " "fortunately, these two years after my family's strong support, and the company's new blood injection, the group finally returned to the peak At the insistence of the major shareholders, I reluctantly assumed the position of chairman of the board of directors. From now on, on behalf of the Qitian Group, I promise to you that the Qitian group operates legally and will never, like the late husband Qihong, break the law and discipline and do harm to the society .

