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【MLP】Friendship befalls (1) ——a broken routine(友谊降临英文版)

2023-05-15原创日常英文彩虹小马小马宝莉 来源:百合文库

【MLP】Friendship befalls (1) ——a broken routine(友谊降临英文版)

As a human being, a tiny part of the time wave, I had imagined, but never expected, but never waited, but when all this happened to me, I was as excited as a child.
The quiet routine was broken.
Through the haze of sleep, I caught a glimpse of the sun shining through the c h i n k s of the curtains on the white tiles, and in contrast to the darkness of the room, it was like the light from heaven to hell.
"CRRR blare......" I felt a pain in my head and my body was crushed. "Shouldn't have stayed up all night..." I thought it was a hangover from last night's all-nighter.

【MLP】Friendship befalls (1) ——a broken routine(友谊降临英文版)
