《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Youve seemed to replace your brain with your heart,You take things so hard and then you fall apart,Youre all...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Youve seemed to replace your brain with your heart,You take things so hard and then you fall apart,Youre al...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Youve seemed to replace your brain with your heart,You take things so hard and then you fall apart,Youre all...
2023-03-27《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Youve seemed to replace your brain with your heart,You take things so hard and then you fall apart,Youre al...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01狼在捕猎的时候,发现隐藏在石后的猎物,常常第一时间会故作随意地离去,然后躲在附近不易察觉的角落。 待猎物放松警惕走出后,突然袭击,一击毙命。 从一进来开始的表现,不过是为了让真正的猎物放松警惕。 有小爱送来的魔所有的交易记录证据,魔只能乖...
《crow》 第十六章 “卷儿。” 绒绒刚好看到从休息室出来的人儿,习惯性地喊了一声。 又注意到卷儿身上穿戴着的偏向宫廷衣着的繁琐服饰,将整个人衬得更显温柔贵气了几分,再配上另绒绒朝思暮想的脸庞,便是从城堡里走出来的童话人物,如此美好……...
2023-04-03《债》 飒须魔卷 华苞丸绒 ▲ “我分明跟你说过,下手要快。” “再给我一次机会。” 因为放弃了多次可以下手的机会,上头已经开始对炸不信任了,这意味着,除了自己,另外派其他人下手。那天过后炸便没有和阿绒碰面,而下次见面,也便是火场的最后一眼...
2023-04-02《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...