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前传1- A Beginning 一切的起点(4)

2023-05-15动画感人剧情正能量furry 来源:百合文库
No, this time I could see, hear, and even feel and taste these things for myself. I could feel the dirt under my feet, the sand through my fingers, and the bright sun on my skin as the wind mussed my hair. The leaves on the trees seemed greener, the sky looked bluer, and the food in the carts smelled amazing against the sharp saltiness of the sea. I even got to see the ocean for the first time, dotted with some of the other smaller islands outside of our own. That bright, cheerful blue under the endless sky was a sight that still sticks with me even today, so many years later. Though my first time outside was short-lived I soaked up every minute of it, quietly longing for more.

前传1- A Beginning  一切的起点

The return trip was not so nice. My father was already home and, upon seeing us again, urged us to quickly come back inside.
For reasons I couldn't understand, a fight between my mother and father ensued. Parana took my sister and I by the hand and quickly brought us to another room and closed the door. My mother taking Xhianei out of the house was routine so that couldn't have been a problem.
Was it me? Did I do something?