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soul leaving(15)

Meanwhile Shian was still here, staring at the scene with her usual, dispassionate gaze. If anything, she showed signs of tiredness and somnolence rather than being interested in what was happening. Where was this Haiyi few minutes ago, when her jellyfish fell off? A great owner, indeed.
- Come on, stop.
Somebody pinched Haiyi’s cheeks and moved her a bit further to the back, cooling off her temperament: Chiyu also winked due to the surprise, noticing a new, yet similar face in the happening fuss.
This person ended up as Stardust, with a pretty bitter-sweet grin. She quickly increased the grip on the cheeks and grasped them even stronger, as Haiyi was still full of energy to trick. Does she never run out of energy? Is there somebody being able to pull the batteries out of her?
- Really, couldn’t you calm down at least when we have our free time? - Stardust pinched right cheek more - Nobody can relax in the garden.
Cangqiong was right behind Stardust, gently waving her fan. Even if she didn’t directly show her dissatisfaction with such acts, she couldn’t state that she didn’t mind them at all too.
There weren’t much days when they were free, they all knew it.