“我爱你绒绒” “啊~哈……”绒绒有些没听进去华少再说着什么。 “我爱你”华少.富有磁性的声音一片片说道。 “嘤……华~少……”绒绒仰头靠在华少肩上软软的声音呢喃道“我也爱……啊……”疼 终于,卷猛的踩住刹车,连忙抱住壳不让壳被惯性往前倾...
2023-04-02《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Youve seemed to replace your brain with your heart,You take things so hard and then you fall apart,Youre all...
2023-03-27《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01卷把事情该处理都处理的差不多,同样的代价当然也要让你感同身受一下,卷盘算着一切在自己计划之内的事不由勾了勾唇角。你对我还够不成威胁。 卷停下车,却看见某人的房门敞开车不时还有烟雾飘了出来,味道令卷有些不适的蹙了蹙眉。推门进去,四处环顾也没进...
2023-04-02“这期天籁貌似请来了位很厉害的歌手哦”费叔叔摸这下巴饶有兴趣的对坐在一旁面无表情的炸说道。 炸抬了抬眸子“谁啊?”炸偏过头看着面色光洁令人莫名有食欲的费叔叔。 “我想想~叫什么来着那个字”费叔叔脑海中有那个字却又说不上来“一个立一个风叫什么...
2023-04-02简单的午饭后,卷想起自己似乎还有个比较麻烦的事情需要解决,再晚点……也不知道可爱会怎么样。 “哥哥,你是为了实验室的事情吗?”须见卷换了身衣服腰肩还配着手枪。 “也不是,去见个人”卷修长的指甲将手腕的扣子扣好语气不紧不慢的说道。 “哥哥!”...
2023-04-02“啊~疼!”卷硬生生直接把可爱左肩的子弹拔出来,卷一脸厌恶的把子弹扔进垃圾桶“知道疼就长记性”卷一边取下被沾有血的手套一边用着那让人习以为常的疏远的语气道。 “我知道错了……”可爱捂住伤口坐起来说道。 “玩久了,也该回总部加快实验进度了,越...
2023-04-02《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Ding dong, I know you can hear me,open up the door, I only want to play a little, you cant keep me waiting,i...
2023-04-01《牢》 (ABO) ◆ Youve seemed to replace your brain with your heart,You take things so hard and then you fall apart,Youre all...