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Romance Of Three Kingdom ( C1P1 )

2023-04-02三国RomanceOf3Kingdom 来源:百合文库
滚滚长江Sometimes life is not a box of chocolate but a shitty hole. The only certain thing in this whole universe is that a country is built to be torn apart, whether from inside or out. Among all the dynasties, there's a bizzare one called the "Three Kindom", which witnessed a shocking history of conspiracy, heroism and the well-known ultimate ancient Chinese philosophy called ...Anyway, you'll get the hang of it after you finish all the chapters. Good luck! By the way, last time I check I found even I couldn't find the answer myself...
第一回 宴桃园豪杰三结义 斩黄巾英雄首立功
Chapter One ( part 1 ): Brothers,let's roll!
十三州In a nutshell, the world is controlled by a powerful gang called "The ten unusual men", they are mean, nasty and they just don't care about whether the people are living in the abyss of misery or a harmonic society. So it's the right time for real heroes to pop up, not the super ones that have a freestyle landing but never clean up the mess after. 
Hence here I present you our protagonists:
刘备,字玄德Bei Liu, aka "the good", 