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Thanks for the triple release.
Thanks for the chapters! I didn’t expect it to be a series of cliffs. Hahaha I find it hilarious that SQQ even when seemingly to be at the brink of death still doesn’t forget to curry favor with LBH – “I knew…… you would definitely win.” XD
Lol yeah, he’s sort of funny that way. But he also does care when he’s not thinking too much… XD
Thank you for the triple chapters!!
Gosh LBH really is adorable, he has his own brainwashing system, such a cutie lol
Translator :
*finish translating chapter 11* oh… a cliff… okay imma be nice and do chapter 12.
*hours later… finish translating chapter 12* …dammit… Another cliff?? FinE! chapter 13!
*dozens of unicorn blood and tears later…* CLiff! AGAIN! *Flips table*
Much thanks to translator for the hard work! I really like this story! Hopefully the next chapters don’t involve much cliff.
p/s: congrats to SQQ for fainting in a cool way, lol.