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A New Kind of Singers——Virtual singers(Ⅰ)

2023-04-01Vocaloid 来源:百合文库
Ⅰ What Virtual Singers Is
I think many have listened to a lot of songs. Sometimes we think they're sung by true men but they aren't! That's because they're sung by a new kind of singers——virtual singers. They always have they own virtual looks and their voices come from voices of voice actors or singers. Today there're more and more virtual singers singing songs in many different languages.
Though they're not real, why do many people still love them?
The first reason is that they often look very young, energetic and pretty. And can you imagine their voices are as smooth as humans'? Virtual singers have many great songs. Their fans will be encouraged by these songs and become more hard-working and positive.(By the way, the number of their music is very large!)
Secondly, they never do anything guilty(犯罪的).Nowadays many stars who let people down do wrong such as taking addictive drugs but virtual singers don't. They're holy in their fans' hearts forever. Many fans make an effort to study or work hard because of them.